Hi There! 👋
I am Jessica Tam.
A Front-End Developer from Boston, MA.

View My Resume

About Me

Greetings! I am Jessica, a self-taught frontend developer.

My background is in Accounting and I love doing all kinds of art as a hobby. I believe the combination of both will set me up as a great frontend developer because I will strive for that attention-to-detail while making experiences that are pleasing to the eye. I also have a great work history of providing valuable experiences to the customer, which I will bring with me as I go into the tech space.

Featured Projects



Quizzical is a React-based web application that uses data from Open Trivia Database API to display 5 questions and their corresponding answers. The user is able to click the "check answers" button to see the results and the "play again" button to take the quiz again with a new set of question and answers.

React | HTML | CSS | JavaScript



The Pomodoro Timer is a web application based on Francesco Cirillo's Pomodoro time-management technique. The user can change and set up focus and break intervals. Audio plays when the focus timer and break timer expires, respectively. I practiced using the different features of react, including components, passing props from the parent to its children, and state management.

React | HTML | CSS | JavaScript

Thinkful BnB


Thinkful BnB is a web application where I practiced creating a responsive and mobile-first application.

flexbox | HTML | CSS | JavaScript | mobile-first development

Color Scheme Generator


Color Scheme Generator uses data from the Color API to display colors based on user input. Once the results load, the user can copy the hexcode of the color that they want to the clipboard.

HTML | CSS | JavaScript | RESTful API